Safety Checks You Should Know About When Using Mobile Column Lifts

If you own a workshop, you’ll know about all of the risks involved with working with various lifting equipment. Safety should always be the number 1 priority for any workshop owner to reduce risks for their staff and clients. Here at MAHA Premium Workshop Equipment, we are passionate about the safe use of lifting equipment in Australia. In this article, we’ll be providing a few safety tips for working with mobile column lifts.

Setting Up A Safe Work Space

Before you start thinking about working on vehicles, establish a safe workspace. There should be sufficient space, as well as a flat, level and stable ground from which to operate the lifts. The space should be surrounded by at least 1m of clear space and be free from any overhead obstructions.

Check Often For Any Damages

When working with heavy objects such as vehicles, damages can occur and you may not even realize it. This is why it is so important to check your lifts and all of your workshop equipment regularly for any damages so that repair and maintenance work can be done on your lifts.

mobile column lifts

Even Weight Distribution

In order for mobile column lifts to work properly and safely, they need to have even weight distribution. To achieve this, only ever work with even numbers of column lifts and ensure that vehicles have their weight evenly distributed.

Take Care When Lifts Are Moving

Even though modern mobile column lifts come with cutting-edge safety features, there is always a risk when tons of metal are in motion. The most dangerous part of working with lifts is when they are in motion, so ensure that all staff members stand back when this is occurring.

Switch Off Lifts When Not In Use

Just like with any other type of workshop equipment, it is always a safer bet to switch off the column lifts completely when they are not in use. This reduces the risks of any accidents occurring by accidentally flipping switches etc.

Are you looking to purchase mobile column lifts in Australia? Browse our online selection at MAHA Premium Workshop Equipment, or get in touch with our team of professionals to answer any of your questions.